Ismail takes office: Will he back the IPMC or block it like Musa?

Will Ismail leave a better legacy than Musa?

Malaysia Chronicle

Amid accusations by his predecessor Musa Hassan that leading politicians of the day only wanted ‘Yes-men’, new IGP Ismail Omar took office on Monday pledging to give his best to the nation but gave no hint as to whether he will support the establishment of an independent body to reform the police force.

It may be unsurprising that in his first speech as the new top cop, Ismail chose to steer clear of the controversy sparked by Musa last week. Musa had unleashed a torrent of bitter parting comments to his bosses that shocked the nation.

Not only did the retiring IGP embarrass the BN government, and in particular Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, his comments also sparked calls for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to undertake a thorough investigation as to whether there was undue interference in police work.

Kugan Ananthan – murdered in police custody

Even so, Musa did not escape criticism for his own under-performance.

“Since Hishammuddin’s announcement that there will not be another extension as IGP for him, Musa has been hitting out at “excessive interference from third parties” against the police force, zeroing in particular on the Home Ministry,” said DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang in a statement.

“He told police officers and personnel not to be “Yes men” or the entire force would “rot and collapse. It would appear that Musa was content to be a “Yes man” to the political “powers-that-be” so long as he continues to be IGP, which was why the police under his leadership reached the bottom of its “rot and collapse” of public confidence and support in the history of the Malaysian police force.”

Will Ismail support IPMC

Indeed, allegations of having links with the Chinese underworld and graft have dogged Musa.

Corruption is rampant

In particular, civil society leaders have waged a battle against him for refusing to accept the establishment of an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission. At one stage, he even threatened a police revolt against the government if it pushed through the new commission, which would curb his powers.

There is some hope that the 57-year old Ismail will do more to reform the force that has been accused of endemic corruption and has one of worst records of police brutality and custodial deaths.

But given Ismail’s timid start, there are few expectations that he will stick his neck out over the next two years of his new tenure.

“No IGP can discharge his duties without the assistance and support of his officers and personnel. I will give my best, just like the eight IGPs before me,” was Ismail’s mild message during a handing-overceremony to his new deputy Hussin Ismail on Monday.

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