Archive for the ‘Video’ Category

VIDEO Sosilawati murder suspect linked to 9 other cases

September 16, 2010

Police says the alleged mastermind is involved in nine other cases including seven commercial crime cases.

VIDEO Gerakan not giving up on Penang :Teng Hock Nam

September 16, 2010

Penang Gerakan chief Teng Hock Nam denies his party was giving up the fight to recapture Penang.
Also read: Amid Umno firing, Gerakan insists it can still lead Penang
Close ranks, Tsu Koon urges Penang BN
Penang Umno tells Gerakan to surrender seats to MCA, MIC
No end in sight to MCA-Gerakan rivalry...

VIDEO Beng Hock’s sister makes Malaysia Day appeal for justice

September 16, 2010

Three NGOs – Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM), the KLSCAH civil rights committee and Malaysians for Beng Hock – observed ’47 Minutes of Silence – Peace for Malaysia’ on the eve of Malaysia Day. Teoh’s sister Lee Lan was there to officiate.

Happy Birthday Malaysia! GE13 also on the cards?

September 16, 2010

Don Amache

So we are officially one now after 47 years. And as a birthday gift, are general elections on the cards soon to commemorate the momentous occasion and once and for all, and for all time, cement our relations with our brothers and sisters across the South China Seas?

Well, it would seem like a logical outcome. As Sarawak focuses on the upcoming state election, there are rumours that a snap 13th general election will be held simultaneously.

“There is a possibility that both elections will be held at the same time,” one commentator speculated on a web portal recently.

“It will be a master strategy for the Barisan Nasional leadership to have both elections at the same time as it will prevent Peninsular-based Pakatan Rakyat leaders from campaigning in Sarawak,” reported Free Malaysia Today.

National general elections would handicap Pakatan leaders, “keen on capturing Sarawak to provide a boost to their pursuit of Putrajaya,” as they will be confined to campaigning in their respective constituencies.

Commentator JK Jayan feels that Sarawak’s landscape and the short campaign period usually allocated for general elections, that Pakatan leaders from the peninsula would “dare not to waste precious time in Sarawak.”

“The Sibu by-election has taught some bitter lessons to the BN leadership. It revealed what will happen if key Pakatan leaders are allowed to campaign in Sarawak”, he feels.

But Sarawak BN faces a political conundrum. Whether to allow Chief Minister Taib Mahmud to lead the coalition?

“Sources familiar with Sarawak politics say that while Pakatan is heading into Sarawak with some confidence, BN is in a Catch-22 situation, saddled with problems and issues associated with Taib,” the report concludes.

If BN keeps Taib as chief minister, they will be facing a barrage of questions and criticisms from the opposition regarding the myriad allegations of corruption against him.

But if the BN drops Taib, they will be losing one of the most experienced and seasoned leaders in the history of Sarawak politics.

The coalition will then be faced with the unenviable task of naming a capable leader to lead the BN thrust in Sarawak.

“The BN will be torn between naming a Melanau Malay or a Dayak as the next chief minister and Sarawak BN leader.”

But by naming a Dayak, the BN will be able to drastically change the current political situation in Sarawak by “soothing the feelings of the community and knocking out a key political strategy mooted by the Pakatan leadership – to name a Dayak leader as chief minister in the event they win the state election.”

But the odds of carrying out simultaneous elections at the Federal level with Sarawak seem a little remote.

Detractors feel that too many thorny issues have cropped up in too short a time in the very recent past.

Perhaps, the biggest thorn, is the Perkasa issue and the apparent divisiveness it has created among Umno members and the subsequent fall out with the coalition partners.

And not forgetting the PKFZ scandal and the arrest of some very big wigs, the impending GST will hit hard the voters pocket and just might tip the scales against the ruling coalition in the event of a snap GE 13.

Added to this are the Felda cases that have gone against the federal government – and the BN needs the support of these settlers badly in a crunch battle.

Also the cost of financing a general election is no walk in the park and would bleed depleting coffers.

But as Shakespeare says in Hamlet, “thrift” may be the reason for holding simultaneous elections. When asked why his mother married his uncle so soon after his father’s death, he replies that they saved money by using the leftover meats from the funeral for the wedding banquet.

Would a prudent and astute politician call for a general election with so many negatives factors in the air?

Unlikely. But then, stranger things have occurred during trying times.

VIDEO Police consider the Sosilawati case solved

September 15, 2010

Police consider the gruesome Sosilawati murder case closed and are in the process of liaising with the Attorney-General’s Chambers to prepare charges.

VIDEO Soi Lek: Reject racial politicking

September 15, 2010

MCA president Chua Soi Lek, who created a ruckus with his ‘Umno does not believe in Malay supremacy’ remarks, calls on Malaysians to reject racial politicking.
Also read: Is Soi Lek for real – Umno doesn’t believe in Malay supremacy...
Lee Kuan Yew: Don’t judge a man until you’ve closed his coffin

VIDEO Abolish the Penang bridge toll, urges Guan Eng

September 15, 2010

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng talks about the Penang Bridge on its 25th anniversary, the cause of the recent power-cable fire. He urged the federal government to abolish the bridge toll.

VIDEO Baru Bian talks about the latest NCR case

September 15, 2010

Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian speaks to reporters at Kuching High Court on the latest NCR case and NCR land surveying.

VIDEO Syed Husin decides against defending PKR post

September 14, 2010

PKR Deputy President Senator Dr Syed Husin Ali has decided not to defend his post in the November party election. He will, however, remain active in politics.

VIDEO Sosilawait murder: "Killer lawyer" wanted to join MIC

September 14, 2010

The lawyer suspect in the murder of millionaire Sosilawati Lawiya had intended to join MIC. He approached new party member Datuk T. Murugiah on Sept 8 to express his interest, three days before he was arrested.
Read also: Sosilawati – a rags to riches tragedy 
Sosilawati murders the most gruesome since Altantuya